I have always tried to set up new goals, focusing on my present professional and personal path with an accurate look towards my future.
I have genuine passion for progressive architecture and I strongly believe in the key role of a collaborative team environment.
I graduated with Distinction at the University of Westminster on July 2015, proposing a new Architectural typology for the Dongjiadu District's development in Shanghai, characterised by the hybridisation of a Sport and a Financial Institution: THE L-EARNING SPORT HUB.
My Academic and Professional Experience can be seen as a journey started in Venice in 2008. During my BA in Architecture I had the opportunity to learn from Italian Architects as Francesco Venezia, Alberto Ferlenga, Franca Pittaluga and Agostino De Rosa, meanwhile having the chance to work alongside International Architects, as Giancarlo Mazzanti in 2010 for the Summer Workshop "Atmosphere and environments for the idleness".
Studying at IUAV in Venice, I also had the chance to be part of unique experiences:
JUNE 2010: Selected to be part of the Design team for the 2010 Venice Biennale's Rwanda Pavilion.
APRIL 2009: Thanks to my tutor Agostino De Rosa, I had the opportunity to join a team of students that went to USA in order to do a photographic survey of James Turrell's Masterpiece in the Arizona Desert: The Roden Crater.
After graduating with Distinction on March 2012 in Venice, and working for 7 months for Studio Saragoni Associati in Cesena, I decided to move to London in order to complete my Academic Path applying for the MArch at the University of Westminster.
On June 2012 I joined JaK Studio, where I worked for a total of 19 months, between 2012 and 2015, on various stages of projects in both the UK and abroad, with increasing responsibilities ranging from concept design, project management and client liaision.
During November 2012 I was Co-leader of the team for the shortlisted design of the RIBA Internal competition “Yorks Historic Guildhall + Riverside”.